If you needed further proof of Winston Peters’ talent as a politician, consider this: it’s been a week since his public speech and the mainstream media is still talking about him.
Politics is the embodiment of that old adage: “It doesn’t matter what people are saying about you, as long as they’re talking about you.”
It wouldn’t be surprising if that was Peters’ mantra to guide his storied political career. Since winning a tight race for the seat of Hunua in 1978 (in which the result was contested all the way to the High Court), the veteran has always sought to be in the public eye – to great success.
So when New Zealand First held its first party conference (or ‘convention’) in Auckland last weekend, with their acclaimed leader due to make a public speech, the media had to be there.
Like a desert traveller having their first sip of water after a long time, the media consumed Winston’s every word during his much-awaited Sunday afternoon address.
And true to his ways, Peters did not shy from being controversial – taking aim at the heightening “woke culture” prevalent in New Zealand politics. The archetypal maverick politician, he spared no one; lashing out at Labour, National, the Māori Party, ACT, and even Peter Dunne.
Much of what the NZ First leader said has already been reported in mainstream media. Again, a testament to Peters’ enduring skill at gaining publicity and the media’s depravity of reporting about him once more.
But because of that fixation on Winston’s “return”, the media failed to properly report what was truly noteworthy about NZ First’s first convention since the election – that they’ve managed to keep their movement intact.
Because alongside the likes of Peters, Shane Jones, Mark Patterson, Fletcher Tabuteau, and Darroch Ball were 150 or so every day New Zealanders who made time and spent money to be at the Waipuna Conference Centre in Auckland.
Regardless of how popular Jacinda Ardern is or John Key was in his heyday, their respective campaigns would not have flourished without the backing of their party machinery – the throngs of Labour or National volunteers who threw their efforts to the cause.
When Chlöe Swarbrick surprisingly took the seat of Auckland Central in last year’s elections, that was widely credited to the fact that she could mobilise around 700 volunteers to door-knock, drop flyers, or run phone banks to fuel her campaign.
Often forgotten in the discourse of political campaigning is the significance of volunteers and party members. Understanding how to attract and then motivate these volunteers is more crucial to a political movement than learning abstract political theory.
If NZ First were to return to Parliament in the 2023 election, it wouldn’t entirely be due to the unwavering shrewdness of their famed leader; more so, it would be because of the grit, determination, and belief of the hundreds (and maybe thousands) of party members who continue to believe in its kaupapa.

Therein lies the challenge for this party, which is celebrating its 28th anniversary this year, if they wish to return to the halls of power in two years’ time: retain and grow your movement. Form committees around the country, raise funds, and mobilize members to get your message out.
In discussing NZ First’s future, Winston Peters’ health and vigour are unavoidably mentioned. But I’d argue that as long as the Party membership retains its vitality and its funds are at a healthy level, the Party has a fighting chance of making it back in 2023.
And seeing their vibrant and lively Convention last weekend indicates that the Party has what they need to begin mounting that comeback.
THIS IS good to see, my family has supported NZF for over 20 years, and we respect and applaud what Winston has done since founding this party. During this time the party has grown and the NZF MP’s have kept many governments on their toes, ensuring they look after the citizens of New Zealand, but we believe it is time for Winston to step down as the NZF leader. For the future of NZF to be everlasting he must retire. He is in his mid 70’s, his time is done. Some members of the media dislike him with a absolute passion, and this does not help the party. It is time to give the reins to the younger generation. Sure, stay as part of the party in the background passing on his knowledge and wisdom. Winton, I would be very happy and privileged to nominate you for a knighthood for the work you have done on behalf of the party and citizens of New Zealand, as would many other people I am sure. If John Key, Bill English can get knighthoods you would bolt in threefold. Thank You for you service.