“It’s the people we set out to help that should be our greatest purpose. There’s a whole lot of people who’s very life and
New Zealand
Making Forestry Great Again
Staying true to their pre-election promise of prioritising developments for the regions, New Zealand First celebrates the revival of the forestry service which it won
Bringing our Veterans Home
Staying true to his words, the Hon. Ron Mark – Minister of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs – witnessed as the bodies of Engineering Mechanic First
It’s Time We Talked About Education
This weekend, an estimated 800 individuals will converge at the Education Summit in Christchurch which will be the biggest gathering of different stakeholders in
A Billion Trees for Employment and the Environment
Last month, the government’s highly ambitious 1 Billion Trees Planting Programme commenced spearheaded by the Minister for Forestry and for Regional Economic Development, Hon.
On ANZAC Day, Let’s Remember Our Moral Obligation to Our Veterans
While ANZAC Day is widely seen as a day to remember those who fought and died in the Gallipoli Campaign during World War I,
Lumad Activists to New Zealand: “Help Us Stop the War Against Lumad Schools”
In an event organized by the Auckland-Philippines Solidarity and the Catholic Justice & Peace Commission, I had the chance of listening to Lumad activists
Erwin Tulfo’s New Zealand Visit Leaves Behind a Cloud of Misinformation
He is known for his hard-hitting style of broadcast journalism, exposing scalawag cops and publicly shaming errant taxi drivers, proclaiming it to be public
Meet the Man They Call “Slimy Simon”
Imagine a politician who deliberately tries to block an official information act request in order to suppress information from the public, imposes hefty penalties
Gladiators Ready
In the Roman Republic, condemned criminals and slaves would be forced to fight one another in vicious duels that resulted in bloodshed or even